ARE Score Report Calculator

Need help with your ARE score report?

Let us help you understand your report and where it is best to focus your studying efforts after a failed attempt. How does it work?

  1. Select an exam division.

  2. Enter your % correct in each section of the exam as specified in your score report.

  3. We will provide you with estimated and summarized figures that you can use to start planning for your retake.


Explore Content Area Overviews for Coverage Insights

When you have a clearer idea of the numbers, you can then delve into our exam overviews, where each content area's coverage is detailed. This will grant you broad insights into the objectives and help you recognize what your weak subjects are.

However, it's important to note that fixating excessively on a single topic may not yield the most effective study strategy before a retake. This is because questions can be shuffled across different versions of the same exam. While identifying your weak subjects holds importance, it shouldn't monopolize your preparation for a retake. For instance, in one exam attempt, you might come across a bunch of structures questions, while in the next, there might be hardly any. In this particular scenario, if you exclusively focused on studying structures between these two attempts and consequently lost retention of other relevant subjects during this period, you would put yourself at a disadvantage. That's why it's prudent to review all relevant content for an overall better chance at passing. This approach ensures that no matter how the questions are shuffled in different exam versions, you're more equipped to face whatever comes your way and increase your chances of success.

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